Book V
the source of Book V is ‘thieme’s sterrenfotoboek’ (thieme’s book of star photography), written by bruno ernst in 1968 > ‘thieme’s sterrenfotoboek’ is a handbook for amateur astronomers who want to take photographs of the celestial bodies themselves and for photographers who are interested in astronomy >
Book V shows a spread from ‘thieme’s sterrenfotoboek’ > three black-and-white photographs of celestial bodies can be seen > ngc 253 > ngc 2903 > and a part of the virgo cluster > the photographs are made up of black dots > an analogous am grid for printing >
at the beginning, ‘Thieme’s Sterrenfotoboek’ floats motionlessly and fully open in a dark environment > using an extreme high-resolution colour scanner, Book V slowly zooms in on the spread > the am grid - and all the imperfections in print, paper and book binding - blend into a digital and abstract pixelated spectrum with millions of colours > a technical consequence - interpretation - that is caused by the scanner during the scanning process > the zooming-in process continues one hour > until one colour > one pixel remains >
- several versions
- high definition
Book V installation view
Book V film fragment