Book XI
Book XI, Photo festival PHotoESPAÑA Madrid ES
White A4 paper with announcement on exibition wall during Photoespana 2018, ES.
6 June - 16 September 2018
Title: Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
Exhibition of works by: Anne Geene / Augustin Rebetez / Ester Vonplon / Isabelle Wenzel / Jan van der Til / Lana Mesic / Magdalena Baranya / Rachele Maistrello / Roman Signer / Ruth van Beek / Shirana Shahbazi / Stéphane Winter / Uta Eisenreich. Curator Hester Keijser.
de Volkskrant (The Netherlands)
'Jan van der Til hing brutaal een briefje aan de lege muur, waarop staat: ‘Wegens veiligheidsredenen zijn alle foto’s verwijderd’.'
Libération (France)
'L’accrochage du Néerlandais Jan van der Til tient en une simple affichette, punaisée sur un grand mur désespérément vierge.'
Folha De S.Paulo (Brazil)
'Um aviso de que obras foram retiradas de uma mostra pode ser obra de arte?'
Hatje Cantz (Germany)
'No other works are seen. He is asking questions.'
fotoeinkost (Germany)
'Ein extremes Beispiel fürs Um-die-Ecke-denken oder „Des Kaisers neue Kleider“ liefert der Niederländer Jan van der Til .'
Xatakafoto (Spain)
'La obra de Jan var der Til utiliza formas muy diversas de expresión; a veces es anónima y cuestiona los conceptos de autoría, de originalidad, significado y contexto. Los límites entre obra. original y copia han ido desapareciendo de forma gradual.'
British Journal of Photography (England)
'At CentroCentro, Keijser is organising her show around two ‘teams’, one Swiss, one Dutch, “incorporating videos, installation works, a conceptual piece, a site-specific assemblage, a spoken word performance, stop-motion videos, anamorphic prints and photo-based embroideries”, from artists including Lana Mesić, Jan van der Til, Ester Vonplon, Augustin Rebetez and Isabelle Wenzel.'