
Mapping the Book

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03.09.2022 - 01.10.2022

Stichting ARTisBOOK, Groningen NL

Boek XL

More information: https://www.artisbook.nl/

01.08.2022 - ♾


More information: www.mondriaanfondsen.nl

10.05.2022 - ♾


More informationwww.janvandertil.nl

19.02.2022 - 02.04.2022

Galerie Nuweland, Oosterzee NL


Martin Brandsma,Jan van der Til

More information: https://gallery.nuweland.nl/

27.09.2021 - 17.10.2021

Kunstpunt, Groningen NL


De coronamaatregelen hebben de kunstsector enorm getroffen. Tentoonstellingen en kunstsubsidies zijn geannuleerd of uitgesteld. Het is een onzekere tijd voor veel kunstenaars. Met het project Lucht wil Kunstpunt Groningen, samen met de gemeente Groningen, kunstenaars en vormgevers uit Groningen ondersteunen.

Meer informatie: https://www.kunstpuntgroningen.nl/blog/deze-87-kunstenaars-hebben-nieuw-werk-gemaakt-met-het-lucht-stipendium/


Brill Publishers, Leiden NL

Refresh the Book

On the Hybrid Nature of the Book in the Age of Electronic Publishing

Refresh the Book contains reflections on the multimodal nature of the book, focusing on its changing perception, functions, forms, and potential in the digital age. Offering an overview of key concepts and approaches, such as liberature, technotexts, and bookishness, this volume of essays addresses the specificity of the printed book as a complex cultural phenomenon. It discusses diverse forms of representation and expression, both in literary and non-literary texts, as well as in artist’s books. Of special interest are these aspects of the book which resist remediation into the digital form. Finally, the volume contains an extensive section devoted to artistic practice as research, discussing the book as the synthesis of the arts, and site for performative aesthetic activity.

More information: https://brill.com/view/title/58999​ and https://brill.com/view/book/9789004443556/BP000023.xml

24.02.2021 - 28.02.2021

Printed Matter Virtual Art Book Fair, New York City USA

Printed Matter works to distribute and promote artists’ books to bring an increased visibility and appreciation to the field. Please take a look at our virtual stand via this special link that allows access: https://abcooperative.pmvabf.org/

31.07.2020 - 25.10.2020

Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen, Bremen DE

Künstlerpublikationen: analog – digital!

What are digital artist publications? How are they published and how do they appear as works of art? The Center for Artist Publications would like to try to answer this question. For the first time an exhibition is being devoted to this question. Purely digital works and works that appear both as real objects and in electronic form are shown.

Participating artists include: Heman Chong, Jean-François Guiton, Jenny Holzer, Miroslav Klivar, Frieder Nake, Lim Shengen, Jan van der Til, Timm Ulrichs.

More information: https://weserburg.de/ausstellung/kuenstlerpublikationen-analog-digital/

Review in Taz: https://taz.de/!5702766/

11.06.2020 - 08.07.2020

ABC [Artists’ Books Cooperative]


The idea behind the ABC DAYS is that starting in June 2020 each participating artist will choose a day to publish an artists’ book online.The theme and content for each book is entirely open to the artist.

The only condition is that the book is uploaded as a PDF on the day chosen by the artist. Eventuall when the situation is safe and the art book fairs open again, there will also be a physical presentation of al the books together in a box, these will be printed digitally in a small edition.

Website:  https://abcdays.cargo.site/About


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