
Jan van der Til  |  Concepts of work  |  Curriculum vitae  /  Support Mondriaan Fund

'In order not to become a houseplant, I study wild plants. Their survival strategies, growth, and dispersal are a valuable source of inspiration for me. The way in which some plants can grow between tiles, survive on barren soil, or manage to infiltrate beautiful landscaped gardens is truly admirable to me.'

Til, J. van der (2019). Do I understand my garden? Groningen, The Netherlands: Rhizomebook.

Jan van der Til is a Dutch visual artist whose work takes on diverse forms, challenging conventional ideas of authorship, originality, meaning, and context. Through his art, he critically examines ingrained assumptions, automatism, and systemic thinking, revealing how these forces shape our thoughts and actions. His approach varies—sometimes subtle and contemplative, other times radical, ironic, or satirical—always provoking reflection and engagement.

Hybridity and a rhizomatic structure define his practice. A rhizome—a root system without a clear beginning or end—forms a network of interconnections that resists centralized control. If broken apart, each fragment can regenerate independently. This concept is embedded in Van der Til’s work, which unfolds as an evolving system of ideas, constantly branching into new creations and interpretations.

Drawing from organic principles such as growth, self-regulation, and propagation, Van der Til constructs theoretical frameworks that challenge rigid thinking. His works, consistently titled Book followed by a Roman numeral, have been exhibited in galleries and museums in the Netherlands and internationally.

Seeking greater independence from traditional art institutions, he increasingly uses the internet as both a medium and a platform for exhibition. By applying rhizome theory to his online presence, he explores alternative ways to present and distribute his work, bypassing conventional models of artistic production and commerce. Beyond social media, he views the internet as a tool for greater artistic autonomy and accessibility.

His exploration of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has revealed striking parallels with rhizome theory. Both operate on principles of decentralization, distributed power, and continuous expansion. Just as a rhizome grows through interconnected nodes, blockchain networks evolve by adding new links. This alignment reinforces Van der Til’s vision of an art practice that resists hierarchy, embraces fluidity, and continuously generates new possibilities.





























































































































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