
Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Rhizomebook. If you have any questions, we are here to help you. Below, you will find an extensive list of frequently asked questions (we are still working on it). If your question is not listed or if you still need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@rhizomebook.com. We strive to respond quickly and provide the necessary support. We appreciate your interest in Rhizomebook.

What is Rhizomebook.com?

Rhizomebook, established by Jan van der Til, is a website that reflects and interprets his artistic practice. It is a constantly updated digital book showcasing new ideas and developments.

You can find a more detailed answer here.

Who is Jan van der Til?

Jan van der Til is a Dutch visual artist who integrates organic principles, including growth, self-regulation, and species propagation into his books. Through this approach, he seeks to challenge constrained thinking and expand perspectives.

You can find a more detailed answer here.

What do Jan van der Til and Rhizomebook consider as a book?

Within the artistic work of Jan van der Til, the concept of 'book' is defined as a manifestation of his rhizomatic and hybrid artistic practice. It is not a traditional book with fixed pages and a linear storyline, but rather a symbolic and conceptual expression. The book functions as a vibrant network of connections, ideas, and media, reflecting the rhizomatic nature of his work. It transcends traditional boundaries and blends various artistic forms and disciplines, such as images, texts, websites, and videos. The book constantly evolves and grows, giving rise to new ideas and creations. It serves as a platform to challenge conventional thinking, explore alternative perspectives, and foster reflection and dialogue.

You can find a more detailed answer here.

Can I purchase a book by Jan van der Til?

On Rhizomebook, you can find a selection of Print on Demand books that can be ordered through Blurb. However, many of Jan van der Til's works are hybrid, rhizomatic, or simply websites. These works are available for sale, albeit under certain conditions due to the nature of the work. If you're interested in acquiring a specific piece, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Are books loaned out by Rhizomebook?

Rhizomebook is open to lending books and items from its collection to exhibitions or displays that are accessible to the general public and contribute to knowledge and understanding of the relevant subject. We encourage informal and early communication to discuss object selection and the practical aspects of borrowing. To learn more, please contact us.

Are the Braun devices available for purchase?

You are referring to Book XXIII, an extensive collection of Braun devices produced between 1950 and 1995. The collection itself, as well as individual items from it, are not for sale. However, there is an option to borrow certain devices from the collection under specific conditions. For more information, please contact us.

Are the Apple devices available for purchase?

You are referring to Book XXVIII, an extensive collection of Apple devices produced between 1999 and 2015. The collection itself, as well as individual items from it, are not for sale. However, there is an option to borrow certain devices from the collection under specific conditions. For more information, please contact us.

Are the Sony devices available for purchase?

You are referring to Book XXXIV, a small collection of Sony devices produced between 1969 and 1996. The collection itself, as well as individual items from it, are not for sale. However, there is an option to borrow certain devices from the collection under specific conditions. For more information, please contact us.

Can I also seek gardening advice from Rhizomebook?

Yes, you can seek gardening advice from Rhizomebook. We specialize in wild plants, ecology, and garden design, as well as natural areas or parks. It's important to note that our approach is rhizomatic. This means that we look beyond the surface level and aesthetics, instead considering the entirety of connections and interactions between plants, soil, and animals. We believe in a holistic approach to gardening, with a focus on promoting a healthy ecosystem. Many of our designs are based on the principle of embracing the natural processes and allowing a piece of land or environment to thrive without excessive human intervention. Rather than exerting strict control, we aim to establish a framework of conditions or boundaries that promote the flourishing of the ecosystem. Within these parameters, we seek to minimize direct human influence, enabling the environment to develop and evolve in its own organic way. Our goal is to foster a balanced and self-sustaining ecosystem while respecting the inherent dynamics of nature.

How can I stay informed about news updates on Rhizomebook?

Simply subscribe to our newsletter. This newsletter is released on an irregular basis, and we ensure you that you won't be overwhelmed with a high volume of emails. Additionally, we value your privacy and do not share your data with any third parties. 

Can I invest or donate money to Rhizomebook?

Can Rhizomebook be hired for consulting services?

Do you sell Braun parts?

Does Rhizomebook also work on commission?

Does Rhizomebook conduct research?

Is the booklist complete?

Why are exhibitions or reviews also included among the books?

Why do many books lack a date?

Why do the books have a number assigned to them?

Why does Rhizomebook manage collections?





















































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