Rhizomebook | Disclaimer and last update | Copyright
Rhizomebook is a publicly accessible book that may be freely distributed. However, it should be noted that certain parts of the website, such as photos from books or references to other websites, may be subject to copyrights owned by their original creators. If you are unsure or believe that you have a claim to copyright, please contact us at: info@rhizomebook.com.
To promote wider availability of creative works beyond traditional copyright restrictions, Rhizomebook falls under Creative Commons and is governed by the following principles:
Firstly, NON-COMMERCIAL (NC) means that the copying, distribution, display, and performance of the work and derivative works are allowed for non-commercial purposes only. Secondly, ATTRIBUTION (BY) means that copying, distribution, display, and performance of the work and derivative works are allowed only if the original author is attributed.
It is worth noting that Rhizomebook is willing to forfeit copyright protection if the pursuit of such protection goes against certain values. These include situations where such protection leads to greed, hinders the exchange of knowledge and creativity, deprives the possibility of criticism, or leads to hypocrisy. Rhizomebook values these principles over the right to copyright protection.